
Dictation in Digiexam

The Digiexam student application supports speech-to-text (dictation) on the below platforms.

Chromebook iPad macOS Windows
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  • iPad
  • macOS



Step 1: Find the dictation settings in your system settings

Click on the icon for system settings Apple, settings, configuration, control, gear, preferences, setting icon -  Free download



Step 2: Search for “dictation” from within the system settings.

Turn on the dictation toggle and choose the languages you need (figure 1)

Figur 1



Step 3: Test this within the Digiexam student application

Open a demo exam and press the dictation button (figure 2) on your keyboard to activate your microphone and begin converting your speech to text in the Digiexam platform.

Figur 2



Step 1: Find the dictation settings in your system settings

Click the Apple Icon in the top left corner of your screen and choose System Settings (figure 3).


Figure 3



Step 2: Search for “dictation” from within the system settings.


The dictation settings are a part of the keyboard settings for your device (figure 4).

Figure 4



Step 3: Configure the dictation settings

Activate dictation so that it becomes accessible when you press the microphone button on your keyboard (figure 5).

Figure 5



You can also configure what languages you will be able to dictate with by adding languages / allowing languages (figure 6) from within the dictation settings on your computer.

Figure 6



Step 4: Test this within the Digiexam student application

Open a demo exam and press the dictation button on your keyboard to activate your microphone and begin converting your speech to text in the Digiexam platform.


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