
Prevent exam answers from being removed on Chromebooks

NOTE! This can only be done by someone who has access to change device settings in the Google Admin console.

To prevent exam answers stored locally on a Chromebook from being removed, you need to disable the "User Data" setting in the Google Admin console. Follow the instructions below to disable this setting:

  1. Login to the Google Admin console:
  2. Click on Device Management
  3. Click Chrome Management near the top-left corner
  4. Click on Device Settings
  5. Find the "User Data" setting under the heading "Sign-in Settings"
  6. Change the setting to "Do not erase all local user data" (see Figure 1)

Figure 1

If the "User Data" setting is active, then exam answers written offline will be deleted if:

  • Exam answers are not correctly handed in offline on a USB device
  • The Chromebook needs to be restarted during the examination
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