This page explains the network requirements for Digiexam after it has been installed.
End-user network requirements for Digiexam are low, the test site must allow outbound traffic via HTTPS (port 443) and typical bandwidth usage is about 3Kb download per student for the exam start and 2Kbit/s upload during the exam session.
One thing to keep in consideration that is not directly related to Digiexam is that the WiFi hotspot used during the exam must be scaled to handle connections from all the students that write the exam.
Ports required are:
80 (HTTP, TCP outbound)
Used for redirect to HTTPS when the end-user enters the address in the browser. No other traffic is allowed over HTTP. -
443 (HTTPS, TCP outbound)
All traffic between the end-user and the service is sent over this port.
Traffic to the following hosts must be allowed on the ports mentioned above.
Remote proctoring - Traffic to the following hosts must be allowed on the ports mentioned above.
Downstream is mainly used when starting an exam, during the exam, and on hand in only acknowledgments are sent from the server to the client.
Typical payload size:
Payload type |
Size upstream (request) |
Size downstream (response) |
List exams (2 exams) |
~300b |
~600B |
Get exam info (Demo exam, text only) |
~300b |
~600B |
Download the full exam at the start (Demo exam, text only) |
~300b |
~2KB |
A typical exam start requires 1KB upload and 3KB download per student.
Upstream is mainly used to upload answers from the client to the server while the student is writing and at the final hand in.
Statistics from the API:
Payload type |
Size upstream (request) |
Size downstream (response) |
Answer upload (50th percentile) |
2.634KB |
~300b |
Answer upload (75th percentile) |
4.711KB |
~300b |
Answer upload (90th percentile) |
7.527KB |
~300b |
Answer upload (95th percentile) |
10.388KB |
~300b |
Answer upload (99th percentile) |
21.817KB |
~300b |
Answer upload (100th percentile) |
409.9174KB |
~300b |
Number of uploads per minute: 2
Upstream bandwidth usage per second and student (90th %): 7527 byte * 8 bit/byte * 2 uploads/min / 60 = 1.96Kbit/s
Note: If you are the account manager for your Digiexam environment you should also ensure that any and all external tools (e.g. Geogebra, JSTOR) or media links (YouTube links, course links) that your staff or students will use during any exams should also be whitelisted. If you are uncertain about what might need to be whitelisted, please contact for assistance.