
Print/Grade/View student answers during an ongoing exam

If you want to print, view or grade an exam, you would need to end the exam first. But here comes a trick to reach these functions even during an ongoing exam.

Each started exam has a unique URL, for example:

Monitoring: Where view (followed by your unique exam ID) takes you to the monitoring view of the exam.
Printing: Replace view with grades to get to the view for print.
View answers/grading: Replace view with grading to get to the grading view, where you can also see the students' answers. (NOTE! Read the entire guide before proceeding with grading)*


Monitoring view:


View answers/grading:

This workaround is used at your own risk when it comes to grading an ongoing exam, in which case it is important to remember these two points:

1. The student must have submitted their answers before you begin the correction for that specific student.
2. The student should NOT enter the exam again, otherwise your correction work will be lost, as it will be overwritten by the student's new text.


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