
External exam tools - Zoom

It's crucial that an Account manager at the school verifies the external tool and ensures that it works in the school's IT environment.

Zoom can be added as an External tool and the meeting link can be used for student monitoring during an exam.  The teacher can monitor the students taking the exam in the Digiexam client.


Add a new external tool and name it "Zoom meeting" which is what the external tool will allow, no other parts will be available for students in the exam.


When the Account Manager adds the external tool, Landing page URL can be left blank if that's supported in the school or organization. This would allow students to enter as guests in the meeting.


If students can't access a meeting link as guests, and you want to assure that they log in before starting the meeting, the domain login page for students can be added in the Landing page URL.

For example, can the URL be added 

Teachers need to be able to set/edit the landing page URL, e.g. pasting the meeting link used for the exam.


If supported, in the list of allowed URL's, set the correct URL (e.g. ) and allowed as a whole domain or partial access to the domain.
In that way, students' should be able to join the meeting link as guests.


Set Equipment check to be used since the external tool is created for student monitoring in the exam. 



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