
Play MP3, WAV or WAVE files from a USB device

Playback of MP3, WAV, or WAVE files from a USB device is supported on Chromebook, Mac, and Windows.



Add the ability on the student's account under Accessibility settings

When a student should have the ability to access playing audio files from a USB drive during an exam you need to add this to the students account under Accessibility settings:



MP3-, WAV or WAVE files can be played from a USB device in an exam

A student who needs to listen to an MP3-, WAV, or WAVE file during an exam starts the exam as usual and when the USB device is inserted, a notification appears.



The audio player at the bottom of the Digiexam application allows the student to:

  • Choose MP3-file
  • Start/stop playback
  • Scroll 
  • Adjust volume




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