
Remove anonymization

In this guide, we go through the different steps in order to see the connection between anonymous codes and students' actual codes, remove anonymization and add anonymization for an already started exam.

The connection between the anonymous codes and the students' names

When the anonymization has been removed, the students will be shown in name order instead of the anonymized order. As a Digiexam administrator, it’s possible to download a list of the students' anonymous codes and the name connected to the codes by clicking on Download grades spreadsheet.

Note! This should be done when the exam is still anonymous. If you have removed the anonymization, click on the button Anonymize exam... to make it anonymous again, and then download the spreadsheet.


When the spreadsheet has been downloaded, information regarding both the students' names and the students' anonymous codes will be shown in the name column (column A).


To download the grades spreadsheet:

  1. Go to an exam that is either ungraded, graded or published.
  2. Seek for the anonymous exam by either name, exam ID or group.
  3. Click on the exam to get to the grading overview.
  4. Then click on the button Download grades spreadsheet to get the spreadsheet that shows both the anonymous id and the student name (figure 1).

Figure 1


In the Excel file that is downloaded when the test is anonymous, the information about the students' anonymous codes can be found in column A.

Note! Column A may need to be widened in order for the anonymous number to appear (figure 2).

Figure 2

Remove anonymization

Only administrators can remove anonymizations on exams that are not graded in Digiexam for teachers, but teachers can also anonymize their own exams when they have been graded and have been moved to the Graded tab. Once you have found the correct exam, click on it, and you will be taken to the grades overview.  Click on Remove anonymization... (figure 3).  A dialogue box will then appear, click Remove anonymization to display students' names or click Cancel to keep the exam anonymous.

  • Teachers can remove anonymization on their own exams, only when it has been graded (found under the Graded tab)

  • Administrators can remove anonymizations on all exams, regardless of who started the test

  • For exams that are graded on paper, only administrators can download the spreadsheet with the mapping that shows the connection between the anonymous codes and the students' real names.

Figure 3

Add anonymization afterward

Once the exam anonymization has been removed, the students' names and student codes will appear rather than the anonymous codes. It is possible to anonymize the exam again by clicking on Anonymize exam... (figure 4).

Figure 4

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