The offline exam file allows an invigilator to start the exam on a student's device or allow a student to re-enter the exam if a technical issue has occurred that forced the student to restart the device.
The offline exam file has a specific file format named .dxe and can be copied/saved to a USB drive. When a USB drive contains the offline exam file, it acts as a key for the invigilator to allow the student to start the exam.
If the students' device can't connect to a network, the exam can be started and completed offline and the student will be prompted to hand-in via USB when the exam has ended.
If the students' device regains network access during the exam, the Digiexam client will start to report the answers to the server and the student can hand in the exam online.
If the student's not logged in to the Digiexam client, the student credentials need to be confirmed before the exam can be started. A confirmation of the correct email address is made to be able to upload the team to the correct student account later.
- Start an exam with the Offline exam file
- Hand in an exam offline - the student Offline answer file
- USB-drives
Start an exam with the Offline exam file
This feature is used to start an exam offline or to unlock ongoing exams. The Exam Administrator or Teacher can download a copy of the exam as an offline file. This offline file can be saved on a USB drive which can then be used to start exams for students without an internet connection or to unlock a started exam. This file can only be opened using the Digiexam client and will be encrypted for security purposes.
Offline exam start
- If the student can't log in to the Digiexam client, click on the icon to access Start exam from USB
If the student's logged in to the Digiexam client, go to Start an exam from USB, proceed to step 3.
2. Select Start exam from USB
3. Insert the USB drive containing the offline exam file
4. The Digiexam client will automatically download the exam from the USB drive and show the title of the exam.
5. Click on the exam and then Select exam
6. Confirm the student's email address to proceed and click Start exam. The confirmation is needed to be able to upload the answer file to the correct student account later.
7. Start the exam and remove the USB device from the student's device
Unlock an exam with an offline file
An invigilator can also use an offline exam file to unlock a started exam. For example, if a student's computer freezes and the device is restarted, you will need to unlock their exam in order for the student to continue writing the exam. Insert the USB drive with the offline exam file in their computer, and it will pull up the exam on the client, allowing them to continue working on their exam.
Existing answers will automatically load upon re-entering the exam.
Hand in an exam offline - the student Offline answer file
After a student has completed an exam offline, the offline answer file can be saved to a USB drive from the Digiexam client if there is no internet connection. Later, the offline answer file containing the student's answer can be uploaded to the grading view of the exam.
When an exam is handed in without an internet connection, the Digiexam client will ask for a USB drive. When a USB drive is inserted into the computer an offline answer file that contains the student's answers will automatically be downloaded to the USB drive.
The offline answer file will be named with the Exam ID and studentID with a hyphen between them and with the file extension .dxr (for example, 123456789-test.dxr).
A USB drive is required when starting/handing in an exam offline, whether it is an external hard drive or a memory stick. Keep in mind that there are different types of USB drives that fit different USB ports, and that not all USB drives will fit/work on all computers. For example, the most common USB connection at the time of writing type A standard, which fits most computers. However, many new computers and electronic devices use the USB connection type C, which will not fit in type A USB ports and vice versa.
In that case, a dongle for Type-C can be used.