
Role overview, invite and revoke personnel roles

The account manager administers the school's/organization's accounts by inviting teachers, administrators, and account managers, and by revoking accounts. The account manager can also change profile and cover images for the school/organization.

Note! It is very important that the account manager revokes the teacher role of a teacher that leaves the school. It is also very important that a teacher doesn't start exams on the wrong school.


Role overview

To see all the users that hold a specific role, click on the number under the heading Number of users for the role you want to inspect (figure 1).

Figur 1

Invite new users

The roles of teacher, account manager and administrator are present from the first time you log in to your account manager role. To invite new users, go to the tab Roles and users and then click on the button Invite users (figure 2).

Figure 2



Choose which role you want to invite the user to in the list under the heading Role (figure 3):

Figure 3



Now enter the e-mail address to the person you want to invite in the e-mail box under the heading E-mails (you can invite more than one user at a time by adding additional e-mails in the e-mail box, one per line). When you have entered all e-mail addresses, click on the Invite button (figure 4). The invites will be sent to the given e-mail addresses.

Figure 4


The person who received the invitation can now click on the Accept Invitation button in the invitation e-mail to create a Digiexam account.

Revoke user role

To revoke a user role from a user, go to the tab Roles and users and click on the number under the heading Number of users for the role you wish to revoke from a user (figure 5).

If the teacher wishes to move their exams and rubrics from the Exam library to their new school, contact us at Digiexam before you remove the role.

Figure 5



To revoke the role of that user, click on Revoke (figure 6).

Figure 6



A confirmation box will now appear, to confirm that the role should be revoked. Click on Yes, otherwise click on No (figure 7).

Figure 7


If you clicked on yes in the confirmation box, the role will be revoked immediately and the user won't be able to access the revoked role anymore.

Note! It is very important that the account manager revokes the teacher role of a teacher that leaves the school. It is very important that a teacher doesn't start exams on the wrong school.



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