
Using spell check in Digiexam

Digiexam has many accessibility functions. A common accessibility function is the built-in spell check that exists. If you are allowed access to spell check during your assignments in Digiexam then misspelled words in your keyboard language setting will be marked as incorrect. Spell check is only allowed if your teacher or student health administrator has activated this for you.

This guide will demonstrate how you activate and use spell check within the Digiexam app.

Activating Spell Check

When working on an assignment, quiz, or exam in Digiexam the option to check your spelling is available in situations where your teacher or administrator has allowed this accessibility option.

When writing a response in an essay question you will see the option to activate spell check in the lower left corner of the text box on your screen.

Screenshot 2023-09-20 at 11.23.03.png
Figur 1


Using Spell Check

When the spell checker is active, there is a circle in the lower right corner of the text editor. The green indicates that no word needs to be fixed (Figure 2). If red, it will indicate the number of incorrectly spelled words in the text (Figure 3).


Screenshot 2023-09-20 at 11.49.22.png
Figure 2


Screenshot 2023-09-20 at 11.50.53.png
Figure 3


Click/double-click a misspelled word to replace it. A list of correctly spelled suggestions will appear. Choose the word that fits best.


If the mouse cursor is held over the indicator in the lower right corner, there are 3 functions (figure 4):

  1. On/Off
  2. Choice of language
  3. Total number of words to check or fix

Screenshot 2023-09-20 at 11.53.42.png
Figur 4


Under option 2, the additional spell check languages are shown (figure 5):


Screenshot 2023-09-20 at 11.55.28.png
Figur 5



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