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Table of contents
Enable android applications
Install "Google text to speech" android app
Enable force installation of the "Google text to speech" app
Test if the new text to speech languages are added
Enable android applications
1. Login to the GSuite admin console (
2. On the landing page, click "Device management" (see figure 1)
Figure 1
3. Click on "Chrome Management" in the left-hand menu (see figure 2)
Figure 2
4. Click on the "Android application settings" section to make it expand
Figure 3
5. Ensure that "Enable Android applications to be managed through the Admin Console" is enabled (see figure 4)
Figure 4
6. Once enabled click on the link "User Settings" shown under the Android settings
Figure 5
7. Place yourself on the Organizational Unit where the users are who need more Text to speech languages and scroll down on the user settings page to the "Android application" section (see figure 6)
Figure 6
8. Change "Android application on Chrome Devices" to "Allow" (see figure 7)
Figure 7
9. Change "File System Migration" to your preferred choice (see figure 8). Migration is needed for the additional text to speech languages to work according to this guide since they are bundled in from Googles text to speech android app.
For more information on what Google recommends regarding the available choices read this article:
Figure 8
9. Scroll up to the "Chrome Management for Signed-in Users" section and change the setting for "Chrome Management for Signed-in Users" to "Apply all user policies when users sign in to Chrome and provide a managed Chrome experience" (see figure 9)
Figure 9
10. If a warning appears you need to choose "Enable Chrome management for signed-in users" to actually apply the choice (see figure 10) and do not forget to save at the bottom of the page if needed.
Figure 10
Install "Google text to speech" android app
1. Now save if needed at the bottom of the page and then go back to "Chrome Management". Click on "App management" (see figure 11)
Figure 11
2. In the Left menu switch "App Type" to "Android Apps" (see figure 12)
Figure 12
3. In the bottom-right corner, click the yellow "+" button to find the Google text to speech Android app
Figure 13
4. Search for "Google Text to Speech" and click on the app when shown in search result (see figure 14)
Figure 14
5. Click on the approve button (see figure 15)
Figure 15
6. Approve the permission access needed for the app to move on (see figure 16)
Figure 16
7. To be sure that the text to speech language needed is not automatically revoked, keep the app approved when new permission requests are done (see figure 17)
Figure 17
Enable force installation of the "Google text to speech" app
1. In the left-hand menu, change the "App Type" to "Chrome Apps" and then back to "Android Apps" (see figure 18). The Google speech App is now visible in the list of approved apps for your domain.
Figure 18
2. Click the google text to speech app in the list
Figure 19
3. Click on "User settings"
Figure 20
4. Place yourself on the Organization Unit where the users in need of more Text to speech languages are located and enable "Force installation", then click on "Save" (see figure 21).
Note that if you cannot enable "Force installation", make sure you override the inheritance from parent Organization Unit and that should make it possible to enable it.
Figure 21
5. Now click on "Kiosk settings" (see figure 22)
Figure 22
6. Place yourself on the Organization Unit where the users in need of more Text to speech languages are located and enable "Install automatically" (see figure 23).
Note that if you cannot enable "Install automatically", make sure you override the inheritance from parent Organization Unit and that should make it possible to enable it.
Figure 23
7. Do not forget to scroll down and save!
Figure 24
Test if new text to speech languages are added
You can now test if any additional language is added by grabbing a Chromebook in the Organization Unit you added the app on.
1. Start the Digiexam app on the Chromebook
2. Fill in credentials if needed and click on "OK"
3. Click on "Start Demo exam" in the bottom-left corner and start the demo exam from the box that appears
4. Click on the cogwheel in the top-left corner and then click on the drop-down list next to the "Voice" feature
5. Check if for example "Svenska-SE" is in the list that is not a native installed text to speech language in Chrome OS. If it is there you can now use the new text to speech language freely.
6. If your language does not appear, try handing in the exam and starting it again, when testing this we noticed that the language does not always appear on the first start of an exam but is then added on the second start.