
Re-start an ended exam

NOTE! Digiexam does not have full support to start an already ended exam, this article is created due to the high demand and it gives the possibility to use a workaround, therefore, it is used on your own risk until full support for this function is ready.


1. Background
2. Conditions
3. Procedures

3.1. If the exam is under the tab Ungraded or Graded
3.2. If the exam is under the tab Published



1. Background

Starting an ended exam could be useful for allowing students to continue writing an exam or to allow an absent student to take an exam that's ended. 

It is of great importance that grading/comments/annotations have not been done if a student is going to start the exam again before the definite hand in,  grading work for a student will disappear if a student opens an exam again after the grading has been done.

Also, if a time limit's used in the exam, it will prevent the student from continuing writing the exam since the time limit's reached.


2. Conditions

If a student has written an exam and wants to access the answers from the previous time, the student must open the same exam (ID or Group) with the same student details (email and student code) as used previously (these details are visible in the Monitor view if the student is unsure about the details), otherwise, the existing answers from previous time will not visible to the student as the system sees the student as a new student.


3. Procedures

In this guide, we will go through the steps on how to re-start an ended exam to allow students to continue writing in the exam.

Depending on the status of the exam, it will look slightly different. If the exam is under the tab

  • Ungraded or Graded: Perform all the following steps in this guide. 
  • Published: Start from step 2


3.1. If the exam is under the tab Graded or Ungraded.

3.1.1. Click on the little arrow on the far right-hand side and then click on Monitor (figure 1).



Figure 1


3.1.2. Click on the green button in the bottom right corner Start exam (figure 2) and then click on Yes, start the exam


Figure 2



3.2. If the exam is under the tab Published.

3.2.1. Click on View result (figure 3).



Figure 3


3.2.2 Click on Unpublish... (figure 4).



Figure 4


3.2.3. Click on Unpublish results (figure 5).



Figure 5



The unpublished exam is under the tab Graded or Ungraded. Perform the following steps in order to start the exam.



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