It is now possible to invite someone to overview an exam as an Invigilator when you start or schedule an exam. You can invite someone who today has no account at Digiexam or another teacher you would like to overview the exam.
How to send an invite
The invite is sent when you start or schedule an exam. Write the mail address to the person you wish to overview the exam in the box under Invite Invigilator and press Add invite. You can invite more than one person to monitor the exam.
You will also get a number of choices regarding what access the Invigilator should have during the exam.
Start exam: The Invigilator has the right to start an exam that has been scheduled but needs to be started before the time has passed.
End exam: This access gives the Invigilator the right to end the exam when all the students had handed in their answers or the time for the exam has passed. Or if something happens that causes that the exam needs to be closed and restarted again.
Lock and unlock exam: This access gives the Invigilator the right to lock the exam for the student that should no longer have access to write in the exam. The student can still write in the exam but has to hand in their answers via USB drive. They can also Unlock the exam for a student that perhaps needed to leave the class room, restart the computer etc. and want to continue write in the exam.
New feature is that you can now chooses to Lock or Unlock all students in the same exam.
Download offline exam file: This right means that the Invigilator can download the offline file from the exam on a USB drive if any student is to write the exam offline, need more time or lacks any Accessibility settings at the time of the exam that they are entitled to.
When you have added the email address and what access they should have you then choose if the exam should be started via Exam ID or by Group. Then click on Start exam or Schedule the exam and the invite will be sent by email to the Invigilator. If it's the first time the person is invited to this role they will receive two emails. The first email contains a link to accept the role as Invigilator and the second takes them directly to the exam.
The Invigilator can only access the exam they have been invited to. They can't access any other information from the schools account in Digiexam.
Remove or invite an Invigilator during an ongoing exam
If the exam has already started and you want to invite an Invigilator, remove or change the settings of the access the Invigilator should have you do that in the Monitoring view.
You remove the role by clicking on the trash can after the email address. They then lose the access to monitor the exam. Please note that the change will only start when the Invigilator updates the web page.
You can also invite a new person by adding their email address in the box under Invite Invigilator and press Add invite.
Here you will also be able to change the settings on which access the Invigilator should have during the exam. Please note that these changes will only be visible after the Invigilator has updated the web page.
This is the article about the Invigilator role: Invigilator